Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Wow! So much has changed since my last blog. :)
Things have been going pretty well for us lately. We've had our struggles with Derek losing his job and finding out that we are pregnant with twins, but all things considered we've been extremely blessed. My testimony of tithing has grown so much in these past few months. Since being married we've always paid an honest tithe, but hadn't really experienced the blessings (or rather seen the blessings) until Derek lost his job. His pay was decreased down to less then half and yet amazingly we are able to pay our bills. We were blessed with his part-time job working at a jewelry store. His former bishop is the owner and that's been a blessing. I've seen Derek grow a lot since working there. While he was working at Winger's he was surrounded by vulgar employees, and you can see a difference in his language and spirituality since being at the jewelry store. :) I'm very grateful for these changes. Our relationship has always seemed to be a roller coaster, but things are a lot better now since having lost his job. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with not being in that environment anymore. His schedule has allowed for him to go back to school now. He's going to school full-time right now and working part-time. He has a couple of classes that he needs to take this summer and then he'll be able to hopefully start the LPN or RN program this fall. Keep your fingers crossed for us! :) He's still the first counselor in the Elders Quorum presidency. That does take a bit of his time throughout the week.
I've just been trying to slowly get things ready for the babies. I'm going crazy because I want to get a lot of cleaning done (which is MUCH needed right now), and I feel like everything I do is undone within a matter of hours from the boys (Derek included). I'm still trying to figure out why it seems that the mother is the only one that is able to clean. If you can explain that for me I'd appreciate it. lol It takes a lot out of me to do simple things like dishes, sweeping, laundry, etc and then when I do those things during the day at night I'm really dragging and need to lay down. I've been working with the boys and making them keep their room clean. That's a big relief cause it's one less mess that I have to see. :) It's hard for me to get around now. I dread going to the grocery store now. With Derek's schedule (work, school, church, studying) I end up having to take one or both of the boys with me and it's just getting way too hard now. I have a hard enough time walking and then having to worry about those little turkeys makes it even more difficult. Coby thinks he needs EVERYTHING while we are in the store. I'm constantly telling him we don't need that put it back! lol Shopaholic! :)
Coby is a good kid. He has his struggles because I think he is really ADHD, but he doesn't mean to be crazy. He just can't control it sometimes. I limit his sugar intake which does seem to help. He loves going to preschool. Today they learned about Hawaii. He was excited because his teacher brought him back a necklace from Hawaii that had a shark tooth on it. He loves to have stories read to him. He loves learning about Christ and the church. He's been learning about Joseph Smith and it just amazes me how much information he is able to retain. I'm his primary teacher and that's been an experience. lol I love him to death but I think maybe he'd do better with someone that wasn't his mother. He'd be able to focus more and not be all over my lap. His favorite book is a story about Jonah. I read him the story once and then he asked me to read it again to him and I said..nah how about you tell me the story. He turned each page and explained to me what was going on in each picture. It was amazing! Then he insisted on going and teaching Grandma and Grandpa about Jonah. It was sooo cute. We've read that story many times since then but it remains one of his favorites. I just love that boy.
Tucker has been having some struggles lately. He's gotten into a nasty habit of whinning. I was watching Nanny 911 today during nap time and the kids had a problem with whinning so I'm going to use her techniques and hope and pray that it works. lol I can't tolerate whiners. I just want to smack him when he acts like that. He loves to help me with everything. He's a good helper. He wakes up early every morning and comes in and tells me it's not bed time anymore (at 6 AM). I'm like oh yes it is! Go away! lol Normally we'll just get him his breakfast and turn on cartoons and he's set for an hour or so. :) I've started working with him to get him potty trained. He was doing really well and then I got really sick and slacked off...and now he doesn't really want to be potty trained. :( I'm just going to have to really work hard with him because there is no way we will be able to afford 3 in diapers. He's got such a cute personality when he isn't in his "moods". He makes the cutest expressions. I just love to snuggle him. We play a kissing game where I'll kiss them all over their faces and then they say...."No more kisses til tomorrow!"...and then I'll kiss them more and they just giggle. It's cute. If they start kissing me I'll say the same thing to them and they just giggle and do it more...and gang up on me. It's really funny. If you ask Tucker his name he'll tell you his name is Tuck Tuck Thailand or Buster Buster. lol It's kind of funny. Tuck Tuck Thailand is what uncle Dean started calling him from birth and he thinks it's his real name. lol
The twins are doing great. They are both measuring out to be the size of a normal single baby. It's great for them and not so great for me. :) It feels like I've got a bunch of snakes in my stomach. It's really hard to walk because of the pressure. I waddle when I do walk and can't walk far at all. I've been wanting to take a trip down to visit Davi and Carly in Provo, but I can't make the trips anymore. We went the Monday after his birthday and when I got out of the car it really hurt to walk, so I've decided no more trips that take longer then 15 min's. We'll have to have them up here for dinner or something soon. :) My doctor said that she's not going to let me go past 38 weeks, so if they aren't here by then she'll do a c-section and get them out. She said it's really common for them to be born at 35 weeks. I think I'll be able to go past 35 weeks because I haven't experienced any complications. My friend was put on bed rest at 20 weeks. She is a lot smaller then I am and I'm sure that had something to do with it. She was able to carry her twins until 36 weeks. We've decided on Chloe for the girls name and it looks like the boy will be named Noah. When I was at the temple when Carly went through for the first time I scanned the scriptures to see if there was a name that would pop out at me...and the two names that came to me were Noah and Moses. I really don't like the name Moses at all...esp considering the family joke with "Dang that Moses" from when Moses B slammed little Davi into the wall at church. Noah isn't a name I would've chosen either, but it's grown a lot on me. I feel like his name is Noah. Derek wanted the name Joseph Enoch. That's too much for me. I don't like that at all. Joseph is one of my favorite boy names, but it just doesn't feel right. Derek has been saying that his name will more then likely be Noah. :) He suggested Noah Porter Sandberg. I think that sounds cute. We'll see what happens. :)
Well I think I've blogged enough now. Much love to you all!